Email Signature Generator

Apr 2020

Creating a polished, professional email signature can often feel like a chore. Ensuring that an entire team maintains consistent brand communication through email can be equally challenging. To address these issues for Verilogue, I developed an Email Signature Generator. This user-friendly application, built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, simplifies the process of creating and installing Microsoft Outlook email signatures, making it straightforward and enjoyable regardless of the operating system.

Key Features

One of the standout features of my Email Signature Generator is the dynamic signature preview. Users enter their information, click a preview button, and see how their email signature will look in context. To generate the preview, I used JavaScript to take the input values and insert them into predefined HTML elements styled to look like they're in an actual email. Form elements and the preview display are further enhanced with CSS animations to make them more enjoyable to interact with and view.

Dynamic preview screen recording

Recognizing that users operate on various platforms, I included comprehensive installation instructions for both Mac and Windows Outlook users. This feature ensures that no matter the OS, users have access to clear, step-by-step guidance on how to install their new email signature. This aspect of the project involved technical writing and UI design to create detailed and user-friendly installation guides.

Installation instructions

Another notable feature of my Email Signature Generator is the implementation of the banner image. At the bottom of the signature, there's an image sourced from an online file that our marketing team can overwrite to dynamically update the image in everyone's emails. The image is wrapped in a link pointing to an endpoint that redirects to a location that the marketing team can change at any time. This setup, with an online source for the banner image and a redirect for the link, allows us to update everyone's signatures simultaneously. This requires minimal effort from the marketing team and no effort from anyone else.

The trickiest feature of this project was actually generating an email signature that both Mac and Windows users could install in Outlook. For Mac users, it was a bit easier since Outlook for Mac has better support for copying and pasting HTML content into the Signature Editor interface. So for Mac users all I had to do was provide a link that when clicked copied the HTML content from the signature preview to their clipboard. Users were then instructed to paste this copied content directly into Outlook's Signature Editor interface.

$("#copy").on("click", function(e) {
    let range = document.createRange(), selection = window.getSelection();
    $(this).html("Copied! ๐Ÿ‘ Proceed to Step 2.").contents().unwrap();

For Windows users, I had to actually create an HTML file that they could save to their Microsoft Signatures folder since copying/pasting HTML code into the Signature Editor interface in Outlook reformats all the underlying code. And because of company download security policies, I first had to stick this HTML file into a ZIP file to ensure everyone in our company was able to download the necessary file. To achieve this, I used the JSZip JavaScript library to create a signature.htm file, stick it in a folder, and then zip the folder. Users were then instructed on how to unzip the file, locate their Microsoft Signatures folder, and transfer the downloaded file to the Signatures folder and confirm in Outlook that everything worked as expected.

$("#export").on("click", function(e) {
    let name = $("#fullname").val(), code = $("#code").text(), zip = new JSZip();
    zip.file("Verilogue Email Signature/signature.htm", $.trim(code.replace(/[\t\n]+/g,'')));
    zip.generateAsync({type:"blob"}).then(function(blob) {
        saveAs(blob, "New Email Signature (" + name + ").zip");
    $(this).html("Files Exported! ๐Ÿ‘ Proceed to Step 2.").contents().unwrap();


The Email Signature Generator has been well-received for its ease of use and effectiveness in creating professional email signatures that maintain brand consistency across operating systems. It takes into consideration the differences in email rendering between Mac and Windows, ensuring that signatures look great no matter the platform. This project also showcases my ability to develop user-friendly applications with real-time feedback and robust functionality. Visit to check out the app for yourself!

๐Ÿ‘‹ Hi, I'm Chase
profile picture

I work at Verilogue, a medical marketing research company, as part of a rock star development team.

I enjoy writing about web design, and throughout this site share my experience as a front end developer working at the intersection of Big Data and Big Pharma.

In my spare time I like to compose music, which I link to from the playground along with all of my other side projects. I also spend a lot of time reading, mostly about web design and user experience with the occasional book on string theory or building time machines. Beyond that, I enjoy traveling, cooking, and playing World of Warcraft, where I main a Fire Mage named Wildford.

I grew up in Harrisburg, PA and graduated from Temple University in 2007 with a bachelorโ€™s degree in Advertising and a minor in Sociology.

To learn more about me, check out my resume or let's talk on X.